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Lazer's Notebook

It's kind of hard to go back to using after learning how to create webpages for reals. It makes you realize what a hassle it is to work with. So I decided I'm going to make my own personal right here. The majority of these original characters date all the way back to 2015, when I was first getting started as a digital artist. There are, of course, newer additions as well over the years, particularly the batch of characters created in 2018 that I think most people who know me are familiar with, being the Danganronpa: Hope Restoration cast (They will receive their own page). All of these OCs are near and dear to my heart regardless, though.

Stamps used within character profiles link back to their original source when clicked on and ribbons are credited at the bottom of each "Prize Corner" (as I call them).

Although I have tried to "automate" creating these profiles to the best of my ability, moving everyone over here is a bit of a lengthy process, so character availability is limited. Sorry!

Well, of course I know her. She's me.
Lockheart Industries
Realitii Check
Necromancer's Tower