Intrepid Reporter
Keelin Art Credit: BioHunterRon
Name: Keelin Caverly
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Birthday: April 30
Species: Human
Orientation: Bisexual
Likes: Adventure, Takeout
Dislikes: Cooking
Voice Claim: TBA

A young woman who moved to a new town and accepted a temporary office job at a scientific research facility.

A serious and seemingly ordinary girl, dedicated to her work. Keelin is determined; she sets her eyes on a goal and will do whatever it takes to complete it. Sometimes, to the extent, she may seem headstrong or bossy, especially because of her straightforward and blunt attitude. She's clever and perceptive, possessing the ability to solve puzzles and piece information together quickly.

In spite of her bossiness and her stoic personality, Keelin is truly a warm, caring, and gentle girl at heart. Keelin's level-headedness and sense of responsibility make her an excellent team leader and a good source of advice. It's not uncommon for her to be a bit of a tease to the people she's close to.

Heart Hand Win because you don't know how to lose Exit They think my lover is strange Hearts We are both so broken I love you
  • Keelin is an aspiring journalist. Her father was the chief editor of the newspaper in the city she grew up in.
  • Keelin always carries a tape recorder she took from her father years ago.
  • Keelin is not a very good cook.
  • Keelin likes stealing Jack’s coat. She borrowed it from him for a while on the day they met, and it became a habit, especially after they started dating.

Weapon Proficiency

Keelin's weapon of choice and primary form of self-defense is a hunting knife. It is carried with her at all times. Never know when it might come in handy...


Jack - Boyfriend

Although they met under strange and frightening circumstances and they really didn’t have a choice of working together, Jack and Keelin quickly became close, eventually developing mutual romantic feelings. Jack's best friend, girlfriend, and favorite person in the world is Keelin. He’s wildly protective of her, despite the fact that she can easily hold her own and often ends up being the one saving him. She can be a bit of a tease too...


Riley - Friend / Ex-Girlfriend

Riley has been a friend of Keelin’s since the two of them were in middle school. They used to date, but when they parted ways, they lost touch. That is, until Keelin moved into the city, looking for a job and a home, and Riley reached out to her, asking her to move in with her and apply for a job at Lockheart Industries. Since then, the two have reconnected.


Hydra - Friend

Keelin thinks of Hydra as a younger sibling. Keelin gives them advice and tries to make sure they're not getting themself hurt.

Prize Corner


Main Character Ribbon Main Character A high priority, very important character.
Protagonist Ribbon Protagonist A character who features in a story as a protagonist.
Homely Love Ribbon Homely Love This character is in a relationship with another character the owner owns.
The Fighter Ribbon The Fighter This character uses a weapon.
Booksmarts Ribbon Booksmarts This character is intelligent, well-read or otherwise suited for academia.

Development and Achievement

Revelation Ribbon Revelation A character who was inspired in some way by one or more beloved movies, shows, books, games, or other forms of media.
New Face Ribbon New Face A character who was revamped at some point.
Hit Backspace Ribbon Hit Backspace This character has had a significant rewrite.
Ship of Theseus Ribbon Ship of Theseus This character has had both a significant rewrite AND a significant redesign.
An Artist's Shadow Ribbon An Artist's Shadow You've and/or written this character 50+ times yourself.
Dedication Ribbon Dedication A character that has at least 60 pieces of art.
Artfighter Ribbon Artfighter This character has participated in Artfight!
Pixel Perfect Ribbon Pixel Perfect This character has been drawn in pixel art.
Player 1 Ribbon Player 1 This character is featured in a video game or a mod.
Sonata Ribbon Sonata A character that has at least 15 songs in their playlist.
Together Forever Ribbon Together Forever A character that has been owned by the current owner for at least 8 years.
Homed Ribbon Homed A character that is owned by its creator.
Sourced in Circuitry Ribbon Sourced in Circuitry A character that was originally created on a digital art medium.
Created in 2016 Ribbon Created in 2016 Characters who were originally made in 2016.
TV Head Ribbon TV Head This character was inspired by a TV show.
Player Two Ribbon Player Two This character was inspired by a video game or mod.


Bisexual Ribbon Bisexual One who is sexually / romantically attracted to two or more genders.

Ribbons courtesy of MisterMuse, Kyovella, Koopaboo, 3leggedpoet, StormyStarlight, TheGreatStatic, DaylightJamboree, Yes_I_Am_A_Person, and dyhayc.