Fish out of water
Sebastian Art Credit: rainbowchu3
Name: Sebastian Delmar
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birthday: March 15
Species: Siren
Orientation: Bisexual
Likes: Sea slugs, Singing
Dislikes: Dry weather
Voice Claim: TBA

Sebastian Delmar is the self-assured and sensible heir to the sea kingdom, or at least he tries to be as self-assured as possible, but it’s not that easy when he's quite literally out of his element. While on land, he's skittish, awkward, and regularly trips over his own tail.

However, when he's in his comfort zone, underwater, he proves to be rather handsome, charming, and regal. He's trying his best to be a good prince and figure out how to use his abilities, but being outnumbered by land dwellers and girls makes things difficult for him. When he’s not being pushed around or serving as the butt of every joke, he tends to be the voice of reason and diplomacy in the group.

Gold Glitter Water Trident Waves Scales Castle Chain
  • Sebastian's "ear" fins move around depending on how he's feeling. They droop down when he's sad, and stick up when he's startled.
  • Sebastian has a pet bunny—a sea bunny, actually. He had no idea there were other kinds until Viviana explained them to him.
  • Sebastian tends to dress more formally than the rest of the team because finding casual clothes that can accommodate his fins and tail is...difficult.
  • Sebastian has two sisters, Palma and Ibiza. He thinks that the two of them are much stronger, more interesting, and more worthy of the throne than he is, it worries him.
  • On land, Sebastian can be a bit clumsy. He wasn't exactly built for walking on land. He trips over his tail pretty often.

Dragon Form

Sebastian is supposed to be able to transform into a giant sea serpent, but he hasn't figured out how yet. He doesn't really mind; he thinks it would be rather inconvenient anyway. The truth is that he only needs to be more confident in himself.

Trident Proficiency

While the training Sebastian has received could realistically apply to any polearm, his weapon of choice is a trident.


Pippy - Friend

Pippy is the one member of the party that Sebastian can count on not to tease him. In fact, she actually really admires him. She's trying to encourage him to stand up for himself more.


PomPom - Friend

Out of the entire party, Sebastian is easily the member that PomPom likes to pick on the most, whether it be mocking him, tripping him, pulling on his fins, or generally being a nuisance to him. As much as he hates this treatment, he can't help but forgive her; he doesn't know why himself.


Viviana - Friend

Sebastian and Viviana have been friends since they were children; they get along just fine—except for when Viviana and PomPom are arguing or challenging one another, putting him in between, which is pretty often. He just wishes that they could finish their arguments without using teasing him as common ground.


Laverna - Friend...?

Sebastian is completely terrified of Laverna. He's used to being teased by the other members of the party, but when Laverna does it, it's pretty scary, since it can be hard to tell if Laverna is being serious or not.


Sylph - Teacher

Sylph has been made responsible for teaching Sebastian some self-confidence so that he can learn how to use his abilities. It's worth mentioning that she's responsible for the magic allowing him to breathe on land until he can learn how on his own, but she knows it may contribute to him feeling like a burden...


Estelle - Friend

Sebastian admires how confident Estelle is and gets along with her. She's largely responsible for teaching him how to actually use his trident.

Prize Corner


Bisexual Ribbon Bisexual One who is sexually attracted to two or more genders/sexes, but not all.

Development and Achievement

Main Character Ribbon Main Character A high priority, very important character.
Comfort Character Ribbon Comfort Character A character that helps/was made to help one cope with trauma, or otherwise bring comfort.
Sourced in Circuitry Ribbon Sourced in Circuitry A character that was originally created on a digital art medium.
Anniversary Ribbon Anniversary A character that has been owned by the current owner for at least 1 year.
Happy Couple Ribbon Happy Couple A character that has been owned by the current owner for at least 4 years.
Homed Ribbon Homed A character that is owned by its creator.
2018 Ribbon 2018 Characters who were originally made in the respective year.
Artfighter Ribbon Artfighter This character has participated in Artfight!
Through Thick and Thin Ribbon Through Thick and Thin You've owned this character for 4+ years, what a long time!


Crown Ribbon Crown This character is from royalty. Or they made their way up to royalty.
Tidal Wave Ribbon Tidal Wave This character is from the ocean.
The Fighter Ribbon The Fighter This character uses a weapon.
Mermaid Ribbon Mermaid A character who is themed around Mermaid/Ocean aesthetics.

(Ribbons courtesy of MisterMuse, dyhayc, Koopaboo, DaylightJamboree, and Cisco)