Danganronpa: Despair Time (DRDT) is a non-profit, fan-made spinoff of the Danganronpa games. It’s a video series that emulates the visual novel style of Danganronpa.
Much like the original Danganronpa series, DRDT features a cast of 16 students who are forced to participate in a “killing game” in which they must murder each each other to escape and participate in trials to figure out “whodunnit.”
Danganronpa: Despair Time, or DRDT, is an in-progress English Danganronpa fan series, or Fanganronpa, currently being created by an anonymous developer, commonly referred to as DTDev. DRDT is not a fan game, but rather a fan video series emulating the style of the Danganronpa visual novels, hosted on YouTube. Similar to the Danganronpa series, DRDT follows a group of students forced into murdering each other. This time by a robotic "dog" named MonoTV, with the added twist that the killing game is being broadcast on television.
The series was first teased on Tumblr on July 6th, 2019, with the first trailer for the series being published soon after on August 4th, 2019. On February 1st, 2020, the first episode of the Prologue was released. The series is currently on hiatus following the conclusion of its second chapter.
In addition to the series, the YouTube channel also hosts recaps, bonus episodes corresponding to character's backstories, free time events between characters, and music videos featuring characters from the series.
To anyone unfamiliar with shrines on the web, this web page is a love letter to a series near and dear to my heart and is in no way affiliated with Danganronpa: Despair Time. Instead you can find the official social media accounts for the series here:
► YouTube
► Tumblr
The protagonist. Despite having the Ultimate title of "Lucky Student," it seems like the only luck Teruko has is bad luck. Accidents and misfortunes constantly plague Teruko and those around her. Despite this, she remains courageous and confident in her own abilities. Teruko has a natural inclination to be a bit distrustful of her peers.
Height: | 5'8" | Birthday: | January 7th |
Weight: | 120 lbs | Likes: | Ocean breeze |
Chest: | 36 in | Dislikes: | Vehicles |
Loud in both voice and personality, Alexander "Xander" Matthews earned the title of Ultimate Rebel through his consistent tendency to go against the status quo and break the rules. Xander has a strong sense of morals, and is constantly trying to right the world's wrongs. Don't accuse him of being just a rule-breaking problem child, though. He gets worked up very easily.
Height: | 6'0" | Birthday: | June 15th |
Weight: | 170 lbs | Likes: | Volunteering |
Chest: | 36 in | Dislikes: | Unmotivated people |
While there's no doubt that the Ultimate Chemist is very educated and talented in the field of chemistry, Charles Cuevas has no qualms on using those facts to lord his intellectual superiority over others. He looks down upon those he views as less intelligent. On the flipside, Charles is easy to tease and often loses his cool if made fun of.
Height: | 5'9" | Birthday: | September 5th |
Weight: | 151 lbs | Likes: | Coffee ice cream |
Chest: | 30 in | Dislikes: | Dogs |
Ace Markey is an incredible Jockey, having won dozens of awards for his jockeying abilities…and yet he completely detests the sport. Ace is incredibly aggressive and constantly lashing out at others, and yet at the same time is a massive coward. He’s all bark, no bite.
Height: | 5'5" | Birthday: | October 31st |
Weight: | 117 lbs | Likes: | Mint |
Chest: | 28 in | Dislikes: | Meat |
Arei Nageishi made her debut in the bowling world as a teenager by winning multiple bowling championships. She has a habit of acting cutesy, but don’t let that fool you—she can be very cruel. Ultimately, she just wants to ingratiate herself with others, although the methods she takes to accomplish that goal are…questionable.
Height: | 5'7" | Birthday: | November 3rd |
Weight: | 128 lbs | Likes: | Gossip |
Chest: | 33 in | Dislikes: | Being ignored |
As the Ultimate Art Forger, Rose Lacroix paints copies of famous masterpieces that are so realistic that they’re often mistaken for the real thing. She owes her forgery talent to her photographic memory. Despite this, Rose is very absent-minded and rarely pays attention to things. She’ll often zone out in the middle of a conversation, or worse, fall asleep.
Height: | 5'4" | Birthday: | November 29th |
Weight: | 121 lbs | Likes: | Sleeping |
Chest: | 31 in | Dislikes: | Conversation |
Hu Jing is an incredibly talented musician who specializes as the Ultimate Zither Player. It’s said that even a listening to a few minutes of one of her performances will bring tears to even the hardest of hearts. Hu possesses a very motherly personality, and does her best to maintain order in the group. At times, her nagging nature shows.
Height: | 5'10" | Birthday: | April 12th |
Weight: | 150 lbs | Likes: | Daikon |
Chest: | 39 in | Dislikes: | Math |
Peppy, diligent, and always punctual, Eden Tobisa is the cheerful Clockmaker. She has a bit of a tendency to overwork herself as she gets absorbed into her work sometimes. While it may seem that Eden is a tad on the emotional or naive side, in the end she’s still a regular girl who likes hanging out.
Height: | 5'2" | Birthday: | December 31st |
Weight: | 110 lbs | Likes: | Sweet foods |
Chest: | 32 in | Dislikes: | Bitter foods |
His appearance may be intimidating, but Levi Fontana has the innocuous talent of Personal Stylist. He has a serious nature and rarely displays strong emotions, but he takes care of his classmates and does his best to help them. Levi seems to have a dangerous past that he’s unwilling to talk about.
Height: | 6'1" | Birthday: | March 24th |
Weight: | 205 lbs | Likes: | Suckers (candy) |
Chest: | 49 in | Dislikes: | Unpredictable people |
Arturo Giles is a Plastic Surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. He worships those who possess beauty, and shuns those who are “ugly,” an adjective that he applies to just about everyone. Arturo is rude, condescending, and has little value for others…unless you happen to be a gorgeous celebrity, in which case he’ll kiss up to you.
Height: | 6'3" | Birthday: | May 1st |
Weight: | 178 lbs | Likes: | Tabloids |
Chest: | 33 in | Dislikes: | Unclean air |
Min Jeung is one of the top school performers in the nation, and as thus has rightfully earned the title of Ultimate Student. Her talents lie in her diligence at studying and her excellent memory. She is almost always seen quietly studying, never wasting a single opportunity to prep for school, and gets annoyed if she is distracted from this task.
Height: | 5'8" | Birthday: | July 10th |
Weight: | 138 lbs | Likes: | Tarantulas |
Chest: | 34 in | Dislikes: | Children |
David Chiem is a renowned Inspirational Speaker who has motivated many people through his uplifting speeches. As one would expect, David is a constantly optimistic personality who encourages those around him to keep on moving.
His true personality may be more pessimistic and lazy than he lets on, according to some (unreliable) sources.
Height: | 5'9" | Birthday: | August 9th |
Weight: | 152 lbs | Likes: | Ready-make oatmeal |
Chest: | 32 in | Dislikes: | Expensive things |
Veronika Grebenshchikova is in constant pursuit of the thrill of being scared, leading to an interest in horror fiction. Her intense consumption and studies of the horror genre have earned her the title of Ultimate Horror Fanatic. She is embarrassed about her tendency to get carried away when talking about horror.
Height: | 5'8" | Birthday: | August 7th |
Weight: | 145 lbs | Likes: | Skateboarding |
Chest: | 37 in | Dislikes: | Boredom |
Julia “J” Rosales specializes in theatrical special effects, and has worked on many famous plays and musicals throughout her life. She hates actors, believing that all actors are egotistical spotlight-hogs. While she tries to act tough, in truth she’s quite vulnerable on the inside.
Height: | 5'7" | Birthday: | April 20th |
Weight: | 139 lbs | Likes: | Dark clothing |
Chest: | 37 in | Dislikes: | "Girly" things |
It’s said that if you get the Ultimate Matchmaker to find you a romantic partner, you’re guaranteed to have a happy and stable relationship for life. Unfortunately for Whit Young, he seems to lack all luck when it comes to finding a relationship himself.
Whit is seemingly unable to take any situation seriously. He’s always cracking jokes and making light of things.
Height: | 5'6" | Birthday: | February 15th |
Weight: | 142 lbs | Likes: | Puns |
Chest: | 31 in | Dislikes: | Valentine's Day |
As the Ultimate Pet Therapist, Nico Hakobyan possesses an incredible synergy with animals and works with owners to address behavioral issues in their pets. Yet by spending so much time around animals, Nico may have forgotten how to act around humans. They are quite nervous around others and sometimes struggle to word things correctly.
Height: | 5'5" | Birthday: | December 19th |
Weight: | 132 lbs | Likes: | Cat-themed things |
Chest: | 32 in | Dislikes: | Bathtubs |
A strange robot with a television for a head. MonoTV claims to be the “Ultimate TV Show Host” who is in charge of an unheard of reality TV show called “Danganronpa: Despair Time.” Although it says it’s in charge, it seems to incompetent in most things.
Also, claims to be a dog despite looking nothing like one.
Height: | 2'7" | Birthday: | January 0th |
Weight: | 25 lbs | Likes: | Sponsorships |
Chest: | 16 in | Dislikes: | Being bullied |
This section contains story spoilers. Proceed at your own risk!
► Second Anniversary Illustration
► Alt DRDT
Each character has a hidden line of text on their bio page on the official DRDT Tumblr blog. The quotes are hidden in plain sight, and there are multiple methods of discovering them. These quotes have been found to foreshadow events from the series and can potentially provide insight on the fates of these characters.
It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust no one at all.
survivor guilt(n): feelings of guilt for having survived a catastrophe in which others died.
Confirmed: Bonus Episode 2 - Visiting Graves
Xander: I think the worst part of it all was that I wasn't there.
Xander was born in the town of Chariton in the United States but attended school overseas. When Xander was 14 years old, still away at school, a fatal disease broke out in Chariton. Chariton's single hospital was unequipped to handle the outbreak, and the entire population, or close to it, died. Xander was studying for his finals at the time and regrets not being there.
You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. It doesn't matter that it's not your fault, just that you didn't go with them.
Xander's motive secret in Chapter 2 reveals his parents and siblings also passed away in the disaster.
If you forgot it, then it probably wasn’t important to begin with. None of those memories should ever be kept, anyway.
I don’t know what to do with myself anymore.
Because that’s what friends do.
Confirmed: Chapter 2 Episode 10
Arei: So I'll prove it to you! I'm going to be your friend! And I'll do nice things for you! Anything at all!
Eden: H-Huh?
Arei: Don't underestimate me! I can be a good person too!
Arei: Being a good person means doing nice things.
Arei: So if there's anything you need from me… Whether it's defending you from scary jerks like Arturo or baking some stupid fucking cake… I'll do it. I promise.
Arei: I'll do anything for you. Okay?
Eden: I…
Arei: Because… because…
After Eden confronts Arturo about his secret and Arei protects her from him, Arei promises to be her friend. This exchange would ultimately cost Arei her life, as her killer overheard her promise and would later pose as Eden in a note, asking Arei for help and luring her to the playground where she would be killed.
In the end, the only thing I can do is watch my wretched life go on.
I want to pay for what I’ve done. But even then, I still want to live.
You can’t go back, no matter how hard you try.
I always believed that a person is defined by their actions alone. But maybe that’s just a poor excuse for my heartlessness.
You hated them, but even that doesn’t justify what you did.
I wanted to save you.
Confirmed: Chapter 1 Episode 12
Min: I'm sorry.
Min: Please, I-I don't want to die.
Teruko: Min.
Min: Teruko, I'm sorry… I…
Teruko: H-Huh?
Teruko: Min… What are you doing?
Min: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Min: I don't want to die. Please.
By chance, Min catches Xander red-handed after he stabs Teruko. Acting on instinct, she pours the bucket of water she was holding onto him, shuts off the lights in the room, and uses her secret weapon, her pen knife, to remove the light switch cover. Xander is electrocuted when he tries to turn the lights back on.
Before Min is to be executed for killing Xander, she confesses that she doesn't understand why she did what she did—just that a need to protect Teruko overtook her. It is Teruko's belief that fate intervened because she was in danger, and Min did not act out of her own will. Desperately, Min hugs Teruko, apologizing again.
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I wish you could just die.
Once something is broken, it can never be pieced together in quite the same way again. The same goes for people.
Please don’t call me your daughter ever again.
We tend to idolize the dead.
Why should I own up for the mistakes that someone else made?
Her name is Mai Akasaki.
Her name is Mai Akasaki.
The hidden text on MonoTV’s page reads, “Her name is Mai Akasaki.” Typing this name after the official Tumblr blog’s URL (https://danganronpadespairtime.tumblr.com/maiakasaki), as you would to visit the rest of the character's bio pages will grant you the following:
All you have to do is ask for my hand, and I’ll give it to you.
Ask for my life, and I’ll give it to you as well.
Don’t apologize for asking. I’ll give you my forgiveness too.
Looking for hidden text the same way you would find the hidden quotes will reveal this text:
“Are you still searching for a secret? For some explanation that will satisfy you? There’s no answer I can give you that will make you happy. Maybe I should have lied instead. I’m sorry.”
Instead, look for the highlighted letters on the page. Writing those down and adding them to your search bar, (https://danganronpadespairtime.tumblr.com/AOAVIEPKRO), will reveal Mai Akasaki’s real character page.
Here we can see that Mai and the girl from Teruko's flashback in Chapter 1: Episode 6 are one and the same.
Interestingly, Mai's birthday coincides with the first episode's release date.
Mai’s character bio also contains a line of text that will change each time you visit or refresh the page, with each line corresponding to the series’ main cast. Inspecting the source code reveals whose is whose.
Teruko: Some years ago, she was searching for someone named ‘Teruko Tawaki.’
Xander: She couldn’t stand to do nothing.
Charles: A girl who loves her family.
Ace: A girl who had a bright future.
Arei: She doesn’t like it when her friends fight.
Rose: She remembers everything that is important to others.
Hu: A girl who wanted to keep everyone safe.
Eden: She kept calling the number, even though no one picked it up.
Levi: A girl with a floral tattoo on her arm.
Arturo: A girl who sees the beauty in everyone.
Min: An average girl with nothing special at all about her.
David: She forgives everyone.
Veronika: A girl who didn’t foresee the consequences.
J: She kept it a secret, and told no one.
Whit: A girl with many friends.
Nico: Everyone confided in her.
MonoTV: It’s all your fault.
A commonly accepted theory is that the Unnamed Classmate who appears in both Bonus Episode 1 - A History of Hope's Peak and Bonus Episode 2 - Visiting Graves is, in fact, Mai.
Evidence that would support this theory includes Unnamed Classmate's phone, which is visible in Bonus Episode 1, having a bunny-shaped phone charm attached. This is relevant because Mai's character profile lists phone charms as her like. An identical bunny phone charm is seen again in Chapter 2: Episode 1, when Teruko opens her nightstand drawer.
Secondly, Mai's tattoo and the textbox used in both bonus episodes appear to depict the same flower.
These flowers appear again during Mai's most recent appearance in the unofficial MV for the song "Fool's Table" by natori, posted on the series' fifth anniversary, which is also Mai's birthday.
In addition, it seems possible that Teruko is hiding a tattoo that matches Mai's. In Teruko's first design, her right forearm, the location where Mai's tattoo lies, is concealed by bandages, and in her second design, her sleeve, even though her left sleeve is rolled up. When Teruko is changing her clothes with Hu, her forearm is partly out in the open, and what could be the stem of the floral tattoo is partially visible. In the jacket-off reference image posted on the series' Tumblr blog, Teruko's forearm is covered by her shirt with a question mark written next to it. This same image had also strategically hidden Charles' scar until the episode where it was visible.
On the second anniversary of the series release, the developer posted a celebratory illustration of Teruko, but if you look carefully, the image is actually a GIF. In one frame, Teruko's eyes are open, and Mai's hands can be seen reaching out for hers. In another, a secret coded message appears.
The message contains two columns. In the first is a sentence with its characters out of order, and in the second is a series of numbers. Rearranging the characters in the left column in the numeric order of the numbers on the right reveals the message:
It's all your fault.
Previously, inspecting the series' about page on the official Tumblr blog would reveal this hidden dialogue. This text has since been removed.
You don’t understand, do you? I used to be like you. I barely remember, but I used to be like you. I cared so much about people, I cried everytime someone was hurt. I suffered for a long time stuck in here caring about people.
I know what you’re going through. You’re going to hold on as long as you have, with hope that you can make it out of here with everyone. Then you’re going to despair. That lasts a while, too.
Then you’ll get bored. Like me.
And you’ll wish you were still suffering. Anything else is better than boredom.
I wish I could feel something, anything else, other than being bored. I’m stuck in here for eternity, and I know everything that could possibly happen. I know how everyone reacts to a murder, what makes people turn to despair, what fills people with hope and make them survive until we all run out of food and starve to death.
I wish I could feel terrified, or afraid, or angry. But I can’t anymore. I don’t feel anything at all except boredom.
Do you understand, Teacher?
This is why I’m letting you suffer as long as possible. Because it’s better than the alternative.
I’m sorry. I don’t envy you.
You’ll understand eventually.
I'm going to come back to this one. I'd like to explain the puzzles in my own words, but that's a bit of an undertaking; you will see why.
For a brief period of time, a YouTube playlist was made public on the official DRDT YouTube channel labeled "character songs" and containing sixteen songs. This playlist has since been made private, but a public version of the playlist was backed up on the Internet Archive. I have also compiled the songs (in their original order) here:
Alright, so why is this a mystery?
Well, each of these songs corresponds to one of the main sixteen characters in the series, but there was never any indication as to whose song was whose. Interpretations from theorists vary.
Popular interpretations, for example, include cartoons belonging to Rose and shun-ran (which is a song I really like, if you care) belonging to Arei, but there is currently no method of confirming any theories. I have personally questioned if a handful of the songs being cover versions is relevant or simply a matter of taste.
On September 16th, 2023, DRDT's developer offered a sneak peek at their second Fanganronpa in the works. Little information has been provided about this Fanganronpa. The name of the project and the names and talents of the characters have yet to be revealed. The character's designs and a short premise of the project were provided, however:
Trapped in an abandoned mall, eleven students are forced to continue a killing game that they’ve supposedly already started. However, no one can remember the past trials, nor the deaths of their missing classmates. Between the killing game, their lost memories, and the “NG codes” that restrict their actions, how could anyone escape unscathed?
That is to say, this is a story about a person who wants to become the perfect teacher.
It should be noted that Alt DRDT is not an official placeholder name for this series, but it is the name that most if not all DRDT fans have begun to use for it, awaiting an official title.
The information and character sprites related to the project can be found here. The developer has also since provided sprite previews and a handful of illustrations and comics related to this cast on the official DRDT Tumblr and Twitter accounts.
This section contains story spoilers. Proceed at your own risk!
Danganronpa: Despair Time is genuinely one of the most well-written pieces of media I have gotten into, period. The characters feel all too real, the mysteries are meticulously thought out, and the way all things are connected and fall into place is satisfying, and it really makes you think just how much hard work must have gone into the planning stage alone.
Above all else, though, is that this project is evidently made with love, and that's something I value above all else. A project can look beautiful and professional, be playable, have an all-star voice cast, and what have you, but it could never impress me if there's a visible lack of affection for its characters and story. Whereas I think you can tell that, in spite of the hardship, this developer loves what they're doing, and they're the only one who could tell this story.
You would think I'd have drawn a ton of fan art by now, since DRDT is so important to me, I feel sort of ashamed. I have a lot of ideas for polished pieces, though, rest assured. By the time I'm "finished" with this shrine, I'll have time to tackle those.
Click on these to get a better look at them!
Arturo meme suggested by his VA.
Eden and axolotl Eden doodle from a DRDTtwt whiteboard.
Veronika and Arturo doodle from a DRDTtwt whiteboard.
My Teruko / Eden fan child, Airi Tobisa. The Ultimate Woodcarver.
Hu giving Nico her piano wire, but it's the "Go, do a crime." meme.
Unfinished Eden and Axolotl Eden fan art. I should come back to this one…
Project: Eden's Garden if it was good.
Eden as one of my world famous "Babymode" chibis. Of course she is an axolotl.
Veronika as a James A. Janisse/Dead Meat meme.
This comic was drawn because of a conversation on Discord pondering what would happen if the arm wrestling competition in Chapter 1 was a "slapping each other in the face" competition instead.
Choosing favorite characters is actually really hard for me in general, but with this cast, it is honestly truly difficult because they are all lovable, realistic, and beautifully written and designed characters. I think of all of them as very real and easy to sympathize with while still being entertaining and maintaining that Danganronpa wackiness and the eccentricity we as an audience have come to expect from Ultimate students. Even with characters I find myself less attached to, on a personal level, like Hu and Nico, I completely get where they are coming from and appreciate them as characters.
Eden is my best girl. I love her design because she's cute, but in a fun and whimsical way. She has a ribbon, blush, and the bow hairstyle I’m fond of. I will always love sweet, peppy, and optimistic girl characters the most, because that's who I want to be one day (am I kind of like Arei in that regard?). I love Eden’s specific flavor of this archetype, highlighting that her choosing to see the good in everyone and love and trust others isn't because she's naive or unaware of the ugly side of people, but in spite of it.
Eden: It's only human to feel grief, and it's only human to rely on others. I truly believe that it's how we'll get through this killing game. Through expressing grief, and then relying on one another.
Eden: So I'll prove you wrong. Kindness isn't weakness. Not caring about others is the worst way to live. One day, I'll make you understand that.
Eden: Until then, you can call me naive and hopeless all you want. Got it?
Eden is very different from the other characters because of this. There's Arei, who believes a bad person could never become a good person, and then David, who believes if someone turns out to be good, they must have always been that way. While Eden believes in making a continuous effort to be kind.
Eden is the character who tries to lift everyone's spirits the most and the one who takes the time to host events and create special memories together. She does this even knowing it will make it hurt that much more if these friends fall victim to the killing game or end up betraying her. It makes me laugh that Eden also has a mischievous streak. In a cute and playful way, of course. For instance, when Eden threatens to tell the others about Teruko’s cactus roleplay, all as a ploy to get Teruko to socialize. Wanting everyone to be happy and become the best of friends, so devious of her.
I know some people still worry about Eden being secretly evil or something, and it was actually really funny to me when David's explanation depicted her as a little devil, but I don't think that's true. It's hard for me to believe that a girl who talks to herself about lemon puppies and lemon kitties could be harboring some secret dark side. Even if there was a certain trial moment that suggested Eden did…something…
This is like the cutest quote ever.
Guys, don’t judge me for this, but I really love Arturo. It’s a close call, but he is my favorite of the male characters. He’s a cutie. Does anyone else think that? Not really. *Sighs dreamily*; what can I say? I love a man in a lab coat. A mask too; gotta love it. I think the fan theories that he could be embarrassed of his mouth are cute. Like, maybe he’s hiding an unsightly scar that he thinks is “ugly” or he has braces or something. I will also accept that he really is just a germaphobe that doesn’t want to breathe the same air as uggos. That wouldn’t ruin the cuteness for me.
Unlike Arturo, however, my fondness isn’t only based on appearances. What I love about his character is my sneaking suspicion that he is lowkey very insecure. He’s obsessed with people’s looks. He worships beautiful and famous people. His likes and dislikes in regards to clothing and food are just whatever he thinks will make him look high-class. In Chapter 2: Episode 13, when his skills as the (begrudging) resident doctor and coroner of the group are called into question, he snaps. I have a soft spot for characters with a self-important yet fragile image on the verge of shattering. Especially if it’s an image they’ve genuinely had to work hard for. Arturo has worked since he was 12 to become a plastic surgeon before the time he turned 18. Having these people doubt him without a second thought is too much to bear, isn’t it? Or in Veronika's words:
Veronika: Oh. What an adorable reaction to having the only thing you're good at insulted~
Then there's Chapter 2: Episode 16. Arturo insists that there is no way he can save Levi's life; he stutters and he looks completely horrified. Then Ace grabs Arturo by the shirt and yells at him. Ace demands that Arturo save Levi's life, calling him a coward. There are literally tears in Arturo's eyes in this CG; it's crazy. If you think about it, Arturo and Ace are both characters that carry guilt over someone in their life dying. With it being heavily implied that Ace holds himself responsible for what happened to Taylor and Arturo being blamed for his sister's suicide. Now they both have the chance to redeem themselves by saving Levi's life. However, as much as I pity Arturo and love looking at him with pity, that’s not to say I feel completely bad for him because...
Ooh, girl. The irony is not lost on me, that as someone who’s opposed to plastic surgery (for purely cosmetic purposes) and enforcing gender roles, it’s pretty funny to enjoy Arturo this much. Arturo's motivations are senseless, he's obsessed with superficial beauty to the point of genuine prejudice, and he's seriously misogynistic and creepy towards J. I get it, I think he’s seriously awful for that. To compensate, I think J should be allowed to pepper spray him, or tase him, or worse. I think Veronika should be allowed to do whatever she wants to him, not because he wronged her, but because I trust her judgment on what would be funniest to do to Arturo. She would put him in a scary maze or a bug cage with sticks and leaves in it or something if she could. I think Arturo should have to say “I’m sorry, women” and be forced to wear a hat that says that. Forever. Arturo Giles, you are terrible and pathetic, but kind of kawaii for it.
There is no explicit material within this subsection, but it contains links to 18+ content. Proceed at your own risk!
Verturo, Veroturo, whatever you would like to call it, I love this ship. This ship satisfies my beloved extroverted girl x the grumpy, introverted boy that she won't stop bothering trope. When it comes to Veronika and Arturo, though, there's the added angle of them both being scary and off-putting. They match each other's freak to a dangerous extent. He probably doesn't think he matches her freak, but she certainly does. In Chapter 1: Episode 4, Veronika takes a crack at psychoanalyzing his prejudice towards ugly people; by Chapter 2: Episode 10, she's graduated to Arturo' apologism. Like threatening a girl with a scalpel only makes her fall more madly in love with him; he is literally her problematic fave.
Veronika: Arturo, you're… You're so…
Veronika: Fascinating.
Veronika: You're really entertaining. So I'll take your side.
Veronika: I don't care about morals. I don't care about whether people get hurt or whether they die. I just need to be entertained.
Veronika: If you become more and more irredeemable, then I'll only love you more~ I want to hear all about those terrible things you did with no justification.
Arturo: For someone who's taking my side, you sure are making me look a lot worse!
I wish I could tell you I don't love the fanart where Veronika is quite literally torturing Arturo, but I cannot. The more insane she looks combined with the more tense or downright afraid he looks, the more I am downloading that image. I’m a sick person, okay? At least when it comes to these two. I think it fascinates me because Arturo is a creep in his own right, so he completely deserves to be treated this way, doesn't he? At the very least, he deserves to be annoyed. So Veronika making him watch gross movies that highly inaccurately portray his profession or forcing him to play on the seesaw with her is probably in order.
Alright, well, it's not like I think it's all torture for Arturo; I like the fluff too. It's endearing to imagine Arturo’s stuck-up self kicking himself because he's developed feelings for this weird woman; that's the cutest part of the trope. It's sweet when the loner boy has to admit he's actually lonely for her. Therefore, I graciously accept any scenario where Arturo learns that playing with Veronika is pretty fun, actually, or Veronika is able to sneak a kiss past that mask of his.
Terueden is a favorite pairing of mine for reasons I already touched upon in my section detailing why I enjoy Eden. Eden has been by Teruko's side from the very beginning. Eden was the first to enthusiastically introduce herself to Teruko and Xander. Then she was the only one who stood by Teruko's side after she was blamed for Xander's murder, and she never asked for anything in return. It's so painful to hear that Teruko doesn't want to be Eden's friend because she knows that if something happened to Eden, it would hurt more than if it happened to anyone else. Teruko doesn't want a repeat of the hurt from Min's betrayal, but Eden persists nonetheless.
When Eden is accused of being Arei's killer, she specifically pleads for Teruko to believe her. Eden even hugs Teruko in what is an obvious nod to Min hugging Teruko preceding her execution. Ooh, that has a little kick to it.
I think it's really special and important that, as Teruko points out, not only is Eden the only one who has always had her back, but Eden never brings it up or asks for Teruko's gratitude. Eden tells Teruko that relationships aren't transactional; she doesn't want Teruko to feel obligated to be her friend because she helped her. Yet, in Chapter 2: Episode 14, when Eden is put in the same situation as her, Teruko becomes the only person who has Eden's back. Because Eden offered Teruko kindness, asking for nothing in return, Teruko is able to pay her kindness forward. Then, like the tsundere she is, Teruko claims that this means nothing and she's only paying Eden back, but I know the truth.
I hope Teruko can hug a woman for real one day.
Its not all about angst, though. My favorite thing is how Eden tries really hard to get Teruko to have fun by baking, decorating clocks (even if that one didn't work out), following her around like in the cute elevator scene, and even when Eden blackmailed Teruko over her cactus roleplay. I'm sure things will be different in Chapter 3, but I'm looking forward to more cute moments between them because those are my favorite parts, even when Teruko is being grumpy about it.
During a conversation about fan children, I actually created a fan child for Teruko and Eden. Her name is Airi Tobisa. I chose for her to have Eden’s surname because, from what we know, Eden seems to have a good family life, whereas Teruko has no familial connections, so it might be nice for Teruko and her and Eden’s hypothetical child to be Tobisas. I'd like to think Teruko would be warmly invited into the family of whomever her partner is. Meanwhile, the talent I picked out for Airi is Ultimate Woodcarver because it's similar to Eden’s talent in clockmaking and is also a subtle, silly nod to Teruko’s signature knife, if you think about it.
I like that the dynamic between Charles and Whit is pretty much the same whether you interpret it romantically or not (you should, though). Even if the two were officially dating, I know nothing would change about the way they interact at all. I love the way they tease each other and how they have become inseparable in a way no other characters in the cast have. The way their friendship started in the first place is heartwarming; Whit was just doing the right thing by helping Charles defend himself when he couldn't. In Chapter 2: Episode 2, he admits he didn't actually think of Charles as his friend. At that point in the story, Charles was acting like a real jerk, but this moved him enough to start acting nicer to everyone and genuinely want to be Whit's friend.
Whit: Oh, right. I did say he was my "friend" during that trial, didn't I.
Whit: To be honest… That was a total lie! I only said that to make everyone believe my case!
Whit: But I guess he took it to heart, or thinks he owes me, or something, because he's been weirdly nice as of late.
Whit: Aaand I guess I ended up changing my mind too. We *are* friends, I suppose.
I also love that Whit is teaching Charles to cook. It’s pretty funny that in their Free Time Event, Whit makes it seem like he’s goofing around when he says he’s an excellent chef when it’s actually been confirmed he’s the best cook in the cast. Even though Charles storms off after Whit offers to help him, by Chapter 2: Episode 4, Charles has actually taken him up on his offer and learned to make beautiful cucumber flowers. I hope they get to making the pancakes Charles suggested, especially since it’s now been confirmed they have some sentimental meaning to Charles.
One thing I don’t think people really talk about regarding Charles and Whit is the fact that dealing with grief is a major theme for both of their characters. This is apparent with both of their motive secrets, but I know a lot of people don’t pay as much attention to Whit’s side. I understand why, because Charles’ hemophobia and the reveal of his motive secret were both important scenes, whereas Whit’s motive secret was glossed over very quickly (which was completely intentional on Whit’s part). So on one hand, Charles had completely blocked out that his brother was ever alive, whereas Whit doesn't acknowledge that his mother ever died. In short, these two have major parallels related to losing someone important. We've watched Whit help Charles with his feelings, but I'm looking forward to seeing if the opposite will become true.
Like I said before, though, I like that Charles and Whit are pretty much the closest out of any two characters in the cast at this point. I don't think anyone is getting into shenanigans like these two, either. Like, they are always together? Why do they always have each other's alibis? What are they even DOING? They cannot just be playing computer games and taking cooking lessons. In all seriousness, though, it means so much to me that a couple of characters with this really heartwarming and emotional foundation are also like this hilarious comedy duo. It's the best of both worlds.
We don’t even have to get into the thick of it to understand what makes Xanvid so appealing. David is Xander's idol. The moment they meet, Xander tells David how much his speeches inspire him. He excitedly asks for an autograph and immediately jumps to David's defense over the rumors about him. From then on, Xander follows David around like a puppy, (he even ditches Teruko when it's time to investigate...) and don't think for even a second that I've forgotten about what Xander had to say about that David cookie the girls baked.
He wants that cookie so effing bad
I do think it’s very interesting that Xander points out how much David’s speeches inspire him to do what he does. In Xander’s bonus episode, he excitedly mentions that he sounds like David after he expresses a more hopeful attitude, and it actually makes me wonder if Xander started watching David’s speeches because of the Chariton disaster.
A lot of people used to doubt that David felt returned Xander’s feelings in any meaningful way, but the fact that David reciprocated was confirmed as early as the Chapter 1 Recap, which read: “Xander's death hit him hard. Seemed like he was very fond of Xander.” Then, of course, Chapter 2: Episode 12, laid out exactly how David felt and revealed that David admired Xander long before they met, in the same way Xander admired him. Unlike everyone else, David knew all about Xander.
The Literature Girl Insane MV, being David-focused, also provided insight on David’s feelings towards Xander. Xander is depicted from David’s point of view with the line. “If something is important, then it'll break and disappear.” The developer even posted a colored version of the frame on the official Twitter account which also posed an interesting question.
I think watching people's backs is interesting. For what reason does someone turn away from you, instead of walking by your side?
The ‘tally5’ puzzle present within the video also reveals an image of David holding onto Xander’s jacket with lines of text describing his feelings towards Xander and his ideals that foreshadowed his speech in Chapter 2: Episode 12 and his motive for interfering with the trial.
- I became a villain in pursuit of your dream.
- I threw away my humanity for an ideal that I couldn't understand.
- But I don't regret it. To 'regret' is to imply that I could done anything else.
- I never told you, but the truth is, I wasn't capable of ever becoming human in the first place.
- So in the end, you are always——
At face value, the fact that David and Xander inspire one another to make the world a better place is endearing, but below the surface you realize that Xander's admiration for him only makes David loathe himself even more. It's fascinating to me, especially because it's clear there's at least some things about Xander that haven't been revealed that could even throw David's image of him into question, not that Teruko hasn't directly addressed that Xander was… flawed.
From the beginning, Ace puts a lot of faith in Levi. I mean, if you were as anxious as Ace, having a big, strong, selfless guy promise to protect everyone, including you, would probably be pretty reassuring. There are also signs that Ace is projecting his old friend, Taylor, onto Levi. A hypothesis of mine, I have seen shared by a handful of other people, is that Levi physically resembles Taylor in some way. Ace’s favorite colors, purple and blue, correspond to Levi, but likely also Taylor. This is probably why Levi snapping and threatening to kill Ace in the Chapter 1: Episode 9 shatters him so much.
Levi is a character striving to be a good person and do right by others even if he does not experience personal attachment to anyone. He dislikes unpredictable people, and Ace is exactly that: volatile and lacking in self-control. In spite of this, Levi becomes determined to set things right with Ace and spends all of Chapter 2 trying to mend their relationship, even though he doesn’t exactly feel remorse but knows in his heart it’s what he wants to do. The most endearing example of this is when Levi asks Rose for advice on what to do, but she falls asleep instead, to which Levi only responds with sad puppy noises. Poor guy…
The most memorable example, however, would be Levi trying to help Ace after Nico’s attempted murder, only for Ace to shut him out and risk bleeding out alone in his room rather than forgive Levi and let him back in. Honestly, though, what Ace does in Chapter 2: Episode 2, when he snatches the exercise band from Levi just because Levi wanted to use it, is a really important moment in hindsight, though played off as a joke. This spur-of-the-moment decision to spite Levi would, in the end, facilitate the murder he commits and be the final nail in the coffin proving his guilt.
On that note, the betrayal Ace feels over Levi’s murder confession is also fascinating. Sure, it’s pointed out that Ace is a hypocrite since he acted shocked knowing all the while that he had murdered Arei himself, but what isn’t directly pointed out by anyone else is that Ace actually holds himself accountable for two deaths, and it is strongly implied that the other death he feels responsible for is Taylor’s. Ace alludes to Taylor when he expresses his regret for ever trusting Levi, and Taylor’s death is indirectly brought up again in Ace’s execution. It’s really upsetting that Ace told Levi to die only to immediately regret it when Levi was suddenly in actual danger of dying.
Hey, speaking of which, the scaredy cat that killed strictly because he was afraid of dying running headfirst into his execution just for the chance that Levi could be saved is a lot. I think the most painful fact of all is that 1. Levi has no idea about Ace’s sacrifice for his survival, and 2. Ace died without knowing whether or not Levi survived. Ooh, that has a little kick to it x2.
Going into this, I didn’t think I would be writing so much on Acevi but I think it’s still fresh on my mind. Also, sure, most of what I said is more or less factual information that would be all the same in a strictly platonic context but like, people talk a lot about doomed romance and I really don’t think it gets much more doomed than this. Chapter 2: Episode 16 was the most stressful thing I’ve ever watched in my life, I just wanna imagine these two kissing and making up to recuperate from that experience.
These are pairings I ship, or even like a lot, but don't occupy my thoughts as much as the aforementioned.
I’m not going to dwell on ships I don't like, but because we're talking about my preferences, these are the ships I can say I dislike the most.
Have you ever wondered which Danganronpa: Despair Time character you are most like? This quiz can help you find out and reward you with a cute little image to take home with you and put on your site!
Note: This quiz is just for fun, and while I tried to the best of my ability to make these answers accurate, some creative liberties were taken to make the choices relatable to YOU, the quiz-taker!
Free to use graphics for your website to represent your new favorite reality TV show.
These are transparent images I cut out from official CGs and art to use as emotes on Discord, but you can probably do other things with them too.